Quotes of the week
I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy.
~George Washington
Honesty in a person means nothing until he is tested under circumstances when he is sure he could get away with dishonesty.
Anyone who would to-day learn the art of effective speech may well give careful attention to reading aloud.
~T. A. Clark
Yet in the meanwhile I will not deny that it is profitable to contemplate from time to time in the mind, as in a picture, the idea of a larger and better world; lest the mind, becoming wonted to the little things of everyday life, grow narrow and settle down altogether to mean businesses.
~Thomas Burnet
~Thomas Burnet
Meditation of the week
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--Calvin Coolidge
There's really only one way to achieve self-respect and that is to act respectably. We can't go back and undo our past. But we can act and behave respectably today, so that when we close our eyes tonight to go to sleep, we can say we have self-respect. A day at a time or an hour at a time, it's our actions now that count. If we put our self-respect on hold, saying something like "I'll have self-respect when I graduate," or "I'll have self-respect when I get a good job," we are putting off what we should do today. But when we live in the present, knowing it's all we have, we can give our best effort to life today.
Today let me treat myself and all those I encounter with respect.
Songwriter of the week
Sarah Groves
You Cannot Lose My Love
(For Lee and Rob and for Pam)
You will lose your baby teeth.
At times, you'll lose your faith in me.
You will lose a lot of things,
But you cannot lose my love.
You may lose your appetite,
Your guiding sense of wrong and right.
You may lose your will to fight,
But you cannot lose my love.
You will lose your confidence.
In times of trial, your common sense.
You may lose your innocence,
But you cannot lose my love.
Many things can be misplaced;
Your very memories be erased.
No matter what the time or space,
You cannot lose my love.
You cannot lose,
You cannot lose,
You cannot lose my love.
Good Idea of the week
Always on My Mind
The image of a drug dealer driving a Mercedes is a Hollywood favorite, so maybe it's not surprising that the African-American preacher, speaking on a panel about how to shut down urban drug markets, went for the cliché. It's hard to get the dealers off the corners and into straight jobs, said the preacher, since selling drugs pays so well. A voice piped up. "This is not true," said David Kennedy. "They're scraping by, living at home." Kennedy offered advice: when confronting dealers who say they're getting rich, tell them, "I'm calling bulls–––."January 31, 2009 | National News | By Suzanne Smalley
A Turnaround Strategy
We're better at creating enemies in Afghanistan than friends. Here's how to fix that—and the war, too.By Fareed Zakaria | NEWSWEEK Published Jan 31, 2009