I can’t read this for more than about a minute before
my heart starts to break for my kids
Quotes of the week
“The Constitution
is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an
instrument for the people to restrain the government” -Patrick Henry
Websites of the week
Dear Photograph of the week
The culmination of millennia of scientific endeavor
Poem of the Week
Jerry is at his usual table this morning
with his cup of coffee and his laptop,
working on his science fiction/fantasy novel.
In every café in America
men and women are hard at work
on their science fiction/fantasy novels.
Perhaps you are one of them. If so,
I salute you; it's a very competitive field.
Forty years, says Jerry, I sold life insurance.
Now I can do what I really want to do.
The planet where his story takes place
has three suns, and the problem he's working on
is how do the aliens there tell time.
I suggest having everyone wear three watches,
which Jerry doesn't think is funny.
This is a serious novel, he's taking it seriously,
and he's wants to get everything just right.
Forty years I sold life insurance, he says.
Now I can do what I really want to do.
with his cup of coffee and his laptop,
working on his science fiction/fantasy novel.
In every café in America
men and women are hard at work
on their science fiction/fantasy novels.
Perhaps you are one of them. If so,
I salute you; it's a very competitive field.
Forty years, says Jerry, I sold life insurance.
Now I can do what I really want to do.
The planet where his story takes place
has three suns, and the problem he's working on
is how do the aliens there tell time.
I suggest having everyone wear three watches,
which Jerry doesn't think is funny.
This is a serious novel, he's taking it seriously,
and he's wants to get everything just right.
Forty years I sold life insurance, he says.
Now I can do what I really want to do.