Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

·       Quotes of the week

Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.
~Richard Bach

'Begin with the end in mind' is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things. ~Stephen R. Covey

·       Meditation of the week

He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven.
-- Thomas Fuller

Often we're afraid to forgive others who've hurt us because we believe that, in doing so, we are permitting what they've done. This is not true. When we forgive, we are saying, "I pardon you, I give up any claim for revenge, you are no longer an enemy."

Relationships are not all black and white. We can forgive people and still not want to spend time with them. Forgiveness is for ourselves. It is a housecleaning of the heart. It feels good to sweep out the resentments and bitterness, lift up the windows, and let in the forgiveness.

Today let me offer forgiveness, either silently or out loud, to someone who has hurt me.
You are reading from the book:

·       Poem of the Week

Inscription for the Ceiling of a Bedroom

Daily dawns another day;
I must up, to make my way.
Though I dress and drink and eat,
Move my fingers and my feet,
Learn a little, here and there,
Weep and laugh and sweat and swear,
Hear a song, or watch a stage,
Leave some words upon a page,
Claim a foe, or hail a friend—
Bed awaits me at the end.

Though I go in pride and strength,
I'll come back to bed at length.
Though I walk in blinded woe,
Back to bed I'm bound to go.
High my heart, or bowed my head,
All my days but lead to bed.
Up, and out, and on; and then
Ever back to bed again,
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall—
I'm a fool to rise at all!

Video of the week

Shape shifting Octopus, amazing camouflage

·       Song of the Week

Nataly Dawn and Jack Conte- These folks are getting 2 and 3 and 6 million hits on the tubeyou- (Energetic and talented young people are making great music in their dorm rooms)

·       Websites of the week

HELP, They have me surrounded! South Carolina lines up to ban Sharia Law Fall 2011! Battlefield 3…

·       And finally, the culmination of millennia of scientific endeavor

My brother Rob shared this article with me and I am sharing it with you. I hope you read the whole article. It summarizes what I have believed since I stood in American classrooms and put my hand on my chest and recited words that were expected but never explained.