Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26th 2009

Quotes of the week

Progression of philosophical thought

To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often. ~John Henry Newman

Never insult an alligator until after you've crossed the river. ~Oriental Proverb

Meditation of the week


... put our efforts where we can succeed.

The appeal of a "fix" tempts us. One day we dream, "If only I had a different job my life would be happy, or if only I had a different house." Perhaps we even dream of having a different partner. When we waste so much precious energy on trying to change something or someone outside ourselves, we usually end up alone, unhappy, or exhausted. It takes great effort and a long time to develop what we truly seek: love, self-acceptance, honesty, and peace of mind.

Fixing or changing our partner might appeal on the surface, but why not put our efforts where we can succeed? What can we change? Ourselves - by becoming less critical we build our honesty and self-worth. Do I block my own growth when I focus on someone else's action?

Poem of the Week

Autopsy in the Form of an Elegy

In the chest
in the heart
was the vessel

was the pulse
was the art
was the love

was the clot
small and slow
and the scar
that could not know

the rest of you
was very nearly perfect.


Puppy of the week

From 8-28-08

Good Idea of the week

Law enforcement against prohibition

  width="512" height="296">

Video of the week

There is an Iphone app for anything!

Websites of the week

Great photo surfing site

Youtube has full length movies

Get estimates and repair shop recommendations for car repairs

Your weekly address and much more is at

The funniest truth on TV is

And finally, the culmination of millennia of scientific endeavor

I did NOT spend an hour on Sunday clicking this

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