Quotes of the week
The tongue of a man is his sword and effective speech is stronger than all fighting.
~Unattributed Author, The Husia of Ancient Egypt, translation by Maulana Kaurenga~
We can be Knowledgeable with other men’s knowledge, but we cannot be wise with other men's wisdom.
~Michel de Montaigne
Vegans need no
pricegouging animal abusing Pfizer
Vegans want no domestic
battering accident causing
Vegans need no services
from corrupt Impermanente Kaiser.
~O Anna Niemus~
Meditation of the week
Many of us, in trying to run away from our essential aloneness, have abused alcohol, work, drugs, food, money, and entertainment. In spite of our frantic activity, we have continued to feel "alone in a crowd," "alone in our dreams," and "lonely in our marriages."
These experiences should prove we cannot successfully avoid coming to terms with our aloneness. The sooner we accept responsibility for our lives, the sooner we will stop inflicting unnecessary pain on ourselves.
In accepting our aloneness, we accept that no one can protect us from ourselves - and that no one can live our lives for us. "Aloneness" simply means that we cannot depend on others for our joy or sorrow. We are the authors of our actions, attitudes, and experiences and not the "victims" of fate or circumstance.
Today I will not be afraid of my aloneness. I will accept total responsibility for my attitudes, actions, or neglects. I will not seek unnecessary pain by relying on what others say or do to make me happy.
These experiences should prove we cannot successfully avoid coming to terms with our aloneness. The sooner we accept responsibility for our lives, the sooner we will stop inflicting unnecessary pain on ourselves.
In accepting our aloneness, we accept that no one can protect us from ourselves - and that no one can live our lives for us. "Aloneness" simply means that we cannot depend on others for our joy or sorrow. We are the authors of our actions, attitudes, and experiences and not the "victims" of fate or circumstance.
Today I will not be afraid of my aloneness. I will accept total responsibility for my attitudes, actions, or neglects. I will not seek unnecessary pain by relying on what others say or do to make me happy.
passion of the week
Video of the week
You can’t make up such a thing as that, I dare you to even try
Live video link of the BP oil disaster (their logo is ironic, N’est-ce pas?)